Browsing: Vision


Leading Ideas Person holding up a post-it note that reads SIMPLICITY

What if you focused on making already-planned ministry events better rather than creating new events? Olu Brown offers three planning strategies for Doing Church Differently™…

Leading Ideas Olu Brown

How can church leaders embrace rather than fear the future? Lewis Center Director F. Douglas Powe interviews Olu Brown on how leaders can “normalize next”…

Graphic treatment of the words NORMALIZING NEXT and a fast-forward symbol

How can church leaders embrace rather that fear the future? Lewis Center Director F. Douglas Powe speaks with Olu Brown about how leaders can “normalize next” and begin living their future now by engaging innovative thinking, creative partnerships, and hybrid strategies to fulfill their mission.

Leading Ideas Scissors cutting the apostrophe T off of the word CANT

Roy L. Spore believes that decline and death are not inevitable for smaller rural churches. While smaller churches are often skeptical of change imposed from…

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