Browsing: Spirituality and Leadership


Leading Ideas Clip art of a bar graph that shows an upward trend

Today, we are faced with a terrifying financial crisis in both domestic and global financial markets. The economy is in dire straits according to leading…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of an open bible on a table with a coffee mug in the background

Ever since I read Wesley Granberg-Michaelson’s Leadership from Inside Out, I have urged every minister I could button-hole to read it as well. My attraction…

Leading Ideas

Bishop John Schol writes about the spiritual qualities of leadership: deep faith, discipleship, and the heart and mind of Christ, and the fruits of leadership.…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a pair of binoculars on a throw rug

Bishop Schol writes that spiritual leaders help a congregation discern and attain a vision of their future. Spiritual leaders are compelled by vision. Out of…
