Browsing: Reaching Younger People


Leading Ideas Stock photo of a chalk sign that says "open" in a cursive script

Churches have long assumed that new people would engage their congregations by first attending worship. When they are not growing and attracting new people, people…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of the exterior of a church with its windows open

Traditionally, worship has been regarded as the primary venue through which individuals enter the life of a congregation. In The Inviting Church (Alban, 1987, 74-75),…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a group of mixed-age white people sitting in a living room in a circle engaging in some of fellowship

What are the qualities of a good leader? Fortunately, Jesus defined leadership: A dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to…

Leading Ideas

Robert Wuthnow’s book After the Baby Boomers (Princeton University Press, 2007) is about younger adults — a group he defines as persons from 18-45 years…

Books Illustration of people walking carefully over a giant and deep maze

The Crisis of Younger Clergy explores the reasons why having a proportionate number of young persons entering ordained ministry is so vital to the future…

Leading Ideas

Many churches are interested in developing programs for young adults to help their congregations grow. However, there is another equally compelling reason for churches to…
