Browsing: Reach New Disciples


The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations reach more people, younger people, and more diverse people. There was a day when congregations could simply open their doors and wait for people to find their way in. But that era is rapidly fading. Growing congregations today are embracing a new paradigm of evangelism, finding innovative ways to connect with their neighbors, extend hospitality, and take church to the community!

Leading Ideas

Most churches give attention to welcoming newcomers to church once they reach the church doors. Often they will be welcomed by both greeters and ushers.…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a tablet that has the word "ASSUMPTIONS" on it, a stack of blue post it notes, a group of blue pens, a notepad that has "THOUGHTS" written on it and a cup of coffee

Peter Drucker maintains that organizational problems are not the result of groups doing things poorly or even doing the wrong things. Organizations fail, he contends,…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a discount big-box store's snack aisle

I was intrigued recently to read of conversations going in the Church of England. Stephen Cottrell, the Bishop of Reading, received considerable media attention when he…

Leading Ideas

Robert Wuthnow’s book After the Baby Boomers (Princeton University Press, 2007) is about younger adults — a group he defines as persons from 18-45 years…

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