Browsing: Reach New Disciples


The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations reach more people, younger people, and more diverse people. There was a day when congregations could simply open their doors and wait for people to find their way in. But that era is rapidly fading. Growing congregations today are embracing a new paradigm of evangelism, finding innovative ways to connect with their neighbors, extend hospitality, and take church to the community!

Leading Ideas Adult with their arm around a child during a children's ministry

Liz Perraud says bringing generations together is a key aspect of Christian community. She suggests church leaders might approach the need to strengthen intergenerational connections…

Leading Ideas Video camera streaming a pastor

Jim Tomberlin shares best practices for churches delivering digital sermons to their online audiences or satellite campuses. He highlights how simple adjustments to language and…

Leading Ideas Glowing green GO! light

Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand say that if we take from Jesus’s Great Commission only the call to “make disciples” we are omitting…

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