Browsing: Planning and Visioning


Leading Ideas

It’s good to pay attention to what’s going well. Most congregations — like most people — can accomplish more by building on their strengths than…

Leading Ideas Photo of a cluttered storage room

What needs to die in your church? We begin the journey of restarting your church by allowing for, even encouraging, places of death. We choose…

Leading Ideas

Drawing on his experience leading a strategic planning process, Pastor Myung Sun Han identifies key lessons to keep a church-wide planning exercise positive, productive, and…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of the deck of a yacht

Have you ever experienced motion sickness? Persons who suffer from motion sickness become severely ill when traveling at certain speeds or distances. In many cases,…

Leading Ideas

Not long ago, while driving along the coast observing nature, I became aware of countless people fishing. I wondered what their visions or expectations were…

Leading Ideas

“Where there is no vision, the people will perish,” Proverbs reminds us. Vision is one of the five human senses, but is also one of…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a pair of binoculars on a throw rug

Bishop Schol writes that spiritual leaders help a congregation discern and attain a vision of their future. Spiritual leaders are compelled by vision. Out of…

Leading Ideas

Rhonda VanDyke Colby writes about the congregation at Bon Air United Methodist Church making an imaginative turn from the church’s history to its mission in articulating…

Leading Ideas Clip art of a diverse group of people of all shapes and sizes

Lovett Weems offers the example of the Girl Scouts USA who understood that continued viability depends on adapting to changes in national demographics. A community…
