Browsing: Lessons for Leaders


Leading Ideas

Lovett H. Weems, Jr., discusses the importance of leaders having a mature, self-aware understanding of themselves. He writes that in order to achieve a healthy…

Leading Ideas

David Brubaker says that while every congregation is a political system, political activity doesn’t need to be manipulative, polarizing or demeaning. He outlines four requirements…

Leading Ideas Sign about planning

Lovett H. Weems, Jr., outlines a simple planning process that churches can use to identify issues and concerns and develop realistic plans to address them. Key…

Leading Ideas

There is nothing more corrosive to the life of a congregation than an underlying absence of trust that may manifest itself as congregants not having…

Books Image of Jesus statue, a chapel, and trees

Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions. These two sentences introduce “The Right Question,” one of the most popular features in…

Leading Ideas Clip art of the word "OPTION" with six arrows pointing away from it

Leaders are constantly faced with problems. They engage such challenges with energy because they know that these issues represent what stands between their current reality…

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