Browsing: Leadership


Leading Ideas Stock photo of of Rosa Parks' WIkipedia Page

Leadership requires us to declare that racism is wrong, and we must work constantly to confront it and end it, according to Lovett Weems, writing…

Leading Ideas

Rhonda VanDyke Colby writes about the congregation at Bon Air United Methodist Church making an imaginative turn from the church’s history to its mission in articulating…

Leading Ideas

John Winn finds useful advice for churches and synagogues in the book Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni. The title alone is…

Leading Ideas Clip art of a diverse group of people of all shapes and sizes

Lovett Weems offers the example of the Girl Scouts USA who understood that continued viability depends on adapting to changes in national demographics. A community…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of an older white man conducting a military orchestra

A pastor talks about practicing leadership theory learned from reading Leadership on the Line by Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky, who advocate the role…

Leading Ideas

A leader must always celebrate the strengths and successes of group life, but leaders must also work to define the realities and challenges faced, according…

Books Painting of John Wesley

The purpose of this book is simple — to reclaim a vision for church leadership from the great spiritual awakening known as the Wesleyan movement.…

Books Statue of John Wesley on horseback

With its plain, easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Guide will help you understand the major aspects of John Wesley’s theology. You will discover what Wesley believed…

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