Browsing: Leadership


Leading Ideas Stock photo of a tablet that has the word "ASSUMPTIONS" on it, a stack of blue post it notes, a group of blue pens, a notepad that has "THOUGHTS" written on it and a cup of coffee

Peter Drucker maintains that organizational problems are not the result of groups doing things poorly or even doing the wrong things. Organizations fail, he contends,…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a cobblestone road

When Rabbi Noah, Rabbi Mordecai’s son, assumed the succession after his father’s death, his disciples noticed that there were a number of ways in which…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of the sun rising or setting over a lake

As I was driving back to my office after taking my husband to the airport, I was a little worried because he was flying on…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a stone with the word "Integrity" engraved on it in a bush

We rightfully expect personal integrity in our leaders. Should we not also ask whether our congregation has integrity? The behavior of organizations is as important…

Leading Ideas

Have you ever wondered why some people are extraordinarily successful? How do some people overcome insurmountable odds and reach an elite level in their fields?…

Leading Ideas

When congregations live in Christ and for Christ and through Christ, something happens: fruitfulness. The expectation of fruitfulness begins in the first chapter of Genesis…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a clergywoman at an altar preparing for services

How are the practices of ministry understood and how are they learned? Is there an organizing principle for all the functions of ministry, or do…

Leading Ideas

Most people know that it was Roger Bannister who first ran the mile in less than four minutes. It was on May 6, 1954, in…

Leading Ideas

A leader’s continual presence among followers is integral to transformational leadership. It creates teachable moments, fosters relationship, and allows for targeted and personalized interactions. Transformational…

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