Browsing: Leadership


Leading Ideas

One of the surest ways to empower people to serve is to champion their ideas. If any church member approaches you with an idea for…

Leading Ideas

One of the most fundamental elements of any successful organization is leadership. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood qualities as it relates…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of sign post with "OLD HABITS" in one direction and "CHANGE" in the other

I grew up working with my parents in our country grocery store. Those were days before the advent of large drug stores with hundreds of…

Leading Ideas

If the idea of recruiting volunteers has been a challenge in the past, you are not alone. But getting rid of the mind-set of recruiting…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of someone writing "Quality" in cursive letters

A phrase made popular by management writer Philip Crosby is “quality is free.” It reminds us that efforts to ensure that work is done right…

Leading Ideas

How do we rebound from setbacks to our best-laid attempts to exercise responsible leadership in ministry? I recently returned from a large denominational gathering where…

Leading Ideas

A much-talked-about book currently is The Power of Habit. The author, Charles Duhigg, attempts to answer the questions, “Why do habits exist, and how can…

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