Browsing: Leadership


Leading Ideas Clip art of the word "OPTION" with six arrows pointing away from it

Leaders are constantly faced with problems. They engage such challenges with energy because they know that these issues represent what stands between their current reality…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a white person holding a post-it note that says "LISTEN"

National news recently quoted a speech by a Microsoft executive who said women should trust the “system” to take care of their pay raises. Previously,…

Leading Ideas

Regularly we remind others and ourselves that resurrection never happens until after a death. Yet often in leading a significant change, we panic. When the…

Leading Ideas Collage of gears and clocks

While reading recent studies in leadership development trends, I was reminded of Paul’s call in Romans to be “transformed by the renewal of your minds.”…

Leading Ideas

It’s good to pay attention to what’s going well. Most congregations — like most people — can accomplish more by building on their strengths than…

Leading Ideas

Building a congregation’s life around a clear vision and purpose is easy to affirm. Aligning that purpose with biblical teaching and witness makes sense. Seldom…

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