Browsing: Leadership


Leading Ideas WHY?

Healthy churches know why they do what they do, says pastor and author Graham Standish. When what we do is based on a clear why,…

Leading Ideas Photo of a Keychain

One core commitment that can help a congregation engage younger people is a willingness to entrust teens and emerging adults with the “keys” to real…

Leading Ideas

Effective leaders are good communicators, according to Lovett H. Weems, Jr. They understand the importance of all forms of communication and that communication is always…

Leading Ideas

Lovett H. Weems Jr., explains why leaders need to affirm the positive and assume the best of others — even when things aren’t what they ultimately…

Leading Ideas

What kind of vision helps a church finds its way forward? Lovett H. Weems, Jr., says a vision needn’t be grandiose, nor is the process…

Leading Ideas

Personnel matters in ministry settings are almost always more complicated than in business, says church leadership expert Mike Bonem. He names the shifts in attitude…

Leading Ideas

Anthony Hunt, pastor of Epworth Chapel in Baltimore, describes how discerning and naming core values can help a church stay focused and on track. Clear…

Leading Ideas

Jake McGlothin, a staff member at Floris United Methodist Church in Virginia, shares perspectives on recruiting volunteers and keeping them happily engaged in ministry leadership.…

Leading Ideas

Lovett H. Weems, Jr., discusses the importance of leaders having a mature, self-aware understanding of themselves. He writes that in order to achieve a healthy…

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