Browsing: Lay Leadership


Leading Ideas

One of the surest ways to empower people to serve is to champion their ideas. If any church member approaches you with an idea for…

Leading Ideas

If the idea of recruiting volunteers has been a challenge in the past, you are not alone. But getting rid of the mind-set of recruiting…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of seven matches: two that have not been lit ever, one that is currently lit, two that have been lit but are now extinguished, and one that is completely burnt out

Have you known a church member who seemed fully engaged and invested in a congregation but suddenly walked away? What makes someone “flame out” unexpectedly?…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a bunch of Karate trophies

How do congregations celebrate persons who point toward the achievement of the congregation’s mission? And how do these celebrations occur consistently and frequently, rather than…

Leading Ideas Stock art of a group of hands in the middle of a huddle

Ultimately Responsible: When You’re in Charge of Igniting a Ministry contains plenty of practical advice on how to jumpstart tired programs and engage church members…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of an older person's hand in the hands of a younger person

Steward Perry describes a simple process of on-the-job coaching to help new deacons get familiar with the ministry of visitation. Getting new people involved in…
