7 Suggestions for Reaching More People this Christmas
Is your church ready to roll out the holiday welcome mat? Ann Michel offers seven suggestions for helping people meet Christ anew this Christmas. Equip…
Subscribe free to "Leading Ideas" at churchleadership.com/leadingideas. Every Wednesday, "Leading Ideas" delivers information, resources, and strategies for forward-thinking church leaders.
Is your church ready to roll out the holiday welcome mat? Ann Michel offers seven suggestions for helping people meet Christ anew this Christmas. Equip…
How are visitors to your congregation greeted and welcomed? Ken Sloane outlines five lessons for extending hospitality and engaging new givers. While traveling earlier this…
One key to effective outreach is making sure that worship visitors feel truly welcome. These 50 Ways will help your congregation make a good first…
Believe it or not, your parking lot could be the thing that is holding back the potential of your church, according to church growth expert…
Churches need their most positive, smiling, warmest personalities on their front lines, says Greg Atkinson. Your parking lot team, greeters, ushers, and welcome desk volunteers…
I have visited churches where I approach the front doors and am immediately met by my first greeter. The eager greeter hands me a bulletin…
The first impression guests leave with determines whether they will be back. So what is it that goes into a good first impression? We interviewed…
In many churches, the approach to greeting worshipers assumes that the main focus should be on greeting guests and that seasoned church members make the…
Churches often define their success in welcoming newcomers by the number of people who become members of their church. At Redeemer we have shifted our…
Most churches give attention to welcoming newcomers to church once they reach the church doors. Often they will be welcomed by both greeters and ushers.…
This article is reprinted by permission from Leading Ideas, a free e-newsletter from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary available at churchleadership.com.