Browsing: Giving


Leading Ideas

More than ten years ago, I was introduced to “paperless giving” as a way to receive the offering in worship. A specified amount of money…

Leading Ideas Stock photo a full collection plate

In our U.S. Congregational Life Survey, worshipers rated the extent to which ten factors influence their decision to give to their congregation.  The most important…

Leading Ideas

The oft-repeated claim that churchgoers are the most generous of Americans was always a reassurance to me as I labored in the vineyard of stewardship…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a wallet full of $100 bills and coins and a group of clothespins that spell out "GIVING"

Scott Cormode writes that pastors need to provide the theological categories to make spiritual sense of money and the issues that it creates. There are…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a white hand holding a single coin

Ann Michel writes about the remarkable bequest given toward college education by Osceola McCarty, who completed sixth grade, as an example of selfless living and generosity. “What would stewardship season…

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