Browsing: Giving


Leading Ideas Photo of a church building against the sky.

Churches that have been around for many years often face numerous property challenges. With aging buildings, there are frequent unplanned property issues that arise and…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of someone putting an envelope in a box labeled "Tithes & Offering"

Sometimes churches have financial systems designed for the convenience of those receiving the contributions rather than for those who are giving. When you design and…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a white woman holding open a book that has a small green plant planted in it

Early in my own ministry, I always found stewardship season anxiety-producing. While I got better at it, I still found the fall campaign difficult. One…

Leading Ideas Stock art of someone holding up a cardboard sign that says "WHAT'S YOUR TESTIMONY?"

One of the most powerful tools for growing generosity in the church is telling the story of how the church is transforming people’s lives through…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a nativity set

Soon the seasons of Advent and Christmas will be with us, and we will be inundated with commercials and product advertisements on television, radio, and…
