Put Your Money Where You Want Your Heart to Be
If you want your heart to be with God, here’s a suggestion I’ve found to be very powerful in my own life. Put your money…
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If you want your heart to be with God, here’s a suggestion I’ve found to be very powerful in my own life. Put your money…
Children and youth are typically given little attention in relation to worship through giving. The reasons range from, “They are only children,” to “They don’t…
I have come to see the importance of thinking about different segments within the congregation. There is tremendous diversity within any congregation when it comes…
Scott Cormode writes that pastors need to provide the theological categories to make spiritual sense of money and the issues that it creates. There are…
Ann Michel writes about the remarkable bequest given toward college education by Osceola McCarty, who completed sixth grade, as an example of selfless living and generosity. “What would stewardship season…
This article is reprinted by permission from Leading Ideas, a free e-newsletter from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary available at churchleadership.com.