Browsing: Change


Leading Ideas

What kind of vision helps a church finds its way forward? Lovett H. Weems, Jr., says a vision needn’t be grandiose, nor is the process…

Leading Ideas

Lovett H. Weems, Jr., says vital congregations are clear about their mission, outwardly focused, oriented toward the future, and concerned more with results than processes.…

Leading Ideas The word change is pinned to a pinboard

Pastor Charles Stone, who has studied how brain chemistry impacts our ability to process change, recommends six specific strategies to help congregational leaders embrace change.…

Leading Ideas

David Brubaker says that while every congregation is a political system, political activity doesn’t need to be manipulative, polarizing or demeaning. He outlines four requirements…

Leading Ideas

Every five years Faith Communities Today provides a marvelous service to all churches through their very thorough survey of religious congregations across the United States.…

Leading Ideas

Much conventional wisdom about leadership has assumed a sole visionary providing primary leadership for a group. The temptation, likewise, is to think that the answer…

Leading Ideas

Regularly we remind others and ourselves that resurrection never happens until after a death. Yet often in leading a significant change, we panic. When the…

Leading Ideas Collage of gears and clocks

While reading recent studies in leadership development trends, I was reminded of Paul’s call in Romans to be “transformed by the renewal of your minds.”…

Leading Ideas

It’s good to pay attention to what’s going well. Most congregations — like most people — can accomplish more by building on their strengths than…

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