Browsing: Change


Leading Ideas Hikers atop a large hill

Jim Cowart says it’s important to stay focused on the right objectives. Instead of being content with what is, taking on too much, or choosing…

Uncategorized Seedling growing on the forest floor from old leaves and soil

Dan Turner led an older, established congregation through a successful restart, reshaping its ministry to reach a changing neighborhood. He outlines five key steps in…

Leading Ideas Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street photographed by Anthony Quintano at

How can church leaders confront the fear that prevents congregations from dealing with controversial issues or taking necessary risks? Adam Hamilton, pastor of the United…

Graphic treatment of the word UNAFRAID

Why does fear so often prevent leaders and congregations from taking action? Listen as Lewis Center Associate Director Ann Michel speaks with Rev. Adam Hamilton, author of the new book Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times, about how people of faith can move beyond the paralysis of fear.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast -- Leading a Historic Congregation

How do you balance tradition and innovation? In this episode, Lewis Center Director F. Douglas Powe, Jr., speaks with Rev. Amy Butler of The Riverside Church in New York City. They discuss insights for leading a historic church.

Related Resources

Unsticking a “Stuck” Institution by Amy Butler
Discovering God’s Future for Your Church Video Tool Kit

Leading Ideas Cork board full of thumbtacked notes including a big one that says MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

Mike Bonem says a sense of urgency is necessary to propel change, but that urgency need not come from a negative sense of doom and…

Focus Person walking in the shallows of a river

David McAllister-Wilson, president of Wesley Theological Seminary, posits the metaphor of a delta region to describe the dangerous yet fertile waters the church must navigate…

Leading Ideas Photo of four people having a conversation

Church consultant Bill Owen describes how effective leaders understand the importance of conversation in shaping culture. They learn the subtle art of reframing narratives in…

Leading Ideas

Lovett H. Weems Jr., explains why leaders need to affirm the positive and assume the best of others — even when things aren’t what they ultimately…

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