Browsing: Books


The Lewis Center offers books on subjects important to Christian leadership, including many titles from Lewis Center staff members.

Books The Right Questions for Church Leaders

Creativity and innovation in your ministry begin with asking the right questions. Unlock the power of wise questioning with this essential guide for church leaders.…

Books Illustration of hands held high with a background of stained glass

All proceeds support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship fund. Congregational leaders are charged with caring for those inside and outside of faith communities.…

Books Photo of a stained glass star

Why a collection of quotations? The right phrase or succinct quotation can sometimes carry more power than long essays or intense discussion. Capturing the essence…

Books Illustration of people walking carefully over a giant and deep maze

The Crisis of Younger Clergy explores the reasons why having a proportionate number of young persons entering ordained ministry is so vital to the future…

Books Photo of an arched doorway of a stone seminary building

There are now over 250 theological seminaries in the United States and Canada. Leading these diverse institutions is a difficult task that combines elements of…

Books Painting of John Wesley

The purpose of this book is simple — to reclaim a vision for church leadership from the great spiritual awakening known as the Wesleyan movement.…

Books Statue of John Wesley on horseback

With its plain, easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Guide will help you understand the major aspects of John Wesley’s theology. You will discover what Wesley believed…
