Ministering to Congregants Who Haven’t Returned Post-COVID-19
One in every three churchgoers has not returned to in-person worship services since the pandemic. Tricia K. Brown offers ideas for ministering to members of…
Subscribe free to "Leading Ideas" at churchleadership.com/leadingideas. Every Wednesday, "Leading Ideas" delivers information, resources, and strategies for forward-thinking church leaders.
One in every three churchgoers has not returned to in-person worship services since the pandemic. Tricia K. Brown offers ideas for ministering to members of…
Nicole Reilley says posting worship services online is just the first step in developing a holistic online ministry. She enumerates four keys to developing a…
David Brubaker says that most congregations are quick to welcome newcomers but slow to extend a much deeper form of acceptance — genuine inclusion in…
Strong and growing congregations typically have a very high percentage of people who are actively involved in learning, serving, and leading. These 50 tips will…
Growing churches are churches that have learned that God intends for us to be a people for others. The church needs more than its pastor…
Churches have long assumed that new people would engage their congregations by first attending worship. When they are not growing and attracting new people, people…
I believe that when we talk about the integration of new members into a congregation, we need to embrace the language of acculturation, not assimilation.…
Traditionally, worship has been regarded as the primary venue through which individuals enter the life of a congregation. In The Inviting Church (Alban, 1987, 74-75),…
Churches often define their success in welcoming newcomers by the number of people who become members of their church. At Redeemer we have shifted our…
In recent years, I have heard from many pastors who say that they are seeing an increase in the number of worshipers who attend their…
This article is reprinted by permission from Leading Ideas, a free e-newsletter from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary available at churchleadership.com.