Search Results: evangelism (121)

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a latte in which the foam art is a question mark

…what I truly value. It is the difference between Christianity as talk and as walk. All of us value evangelism, but when was my last spiritual conversation with a person…

Leading Ideas game pieces on a game board

…visit: This book is also available from Amazon and Cokesbury. Related Resources: Evangelism Today Requires New Wineskins by F. Douglas Powe, Jr. 50 Ways to Increase Active Engagement Church…

Leading Ideas Child holding a clay model of a building while standing on stairs in front of large building

Evangelism professor Mark Teasdale writes that, while a church building demands respect, too many congregations let upkeep of their facilities become more important than serving God’s purposes. Churches need to…

Leading Ideas Photo of a diverse congregation

…of reconciliation, conflict resolution, and intercultural mission effectiveness. Motivated by biblical mandates for reconciliation, justice, and evangelism, these churches express value for diversity in their vision, ministry practices, worship style,…

Leading Ideas

…Are we proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God? Sometimes our evangelism teams resemble the sales force for a health club. But Jesus said that the Good News…

 Videos Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., and Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr.

…Logan Professor of Evangelism (an E. Stanley Jones Professorship). Dr. Powe currently serves as managing director for The Institute for Community Engagement and director of its Urban Ministry Program. Dr….

50 Ways Small group of happy adults around a table

…Methodist studies: Methodist Identity — Part 1: Our Story; Part 2: Our Beliefs | Wesleyan Studies Project — Series I: Methodist History; Series II: Methodist Doctrine; Series III: Methodist Evangelism

Leading Ideas Stock photo that reads "EFFECTIVE"

…Spirituality Inspiring Worship Service Empowering Leadership Loving Relationships Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented evangelism Gift-oriented ministry Functional Structures   Both books see church growth as holistically connected to congregational health in…

Leading Ideas Word art of the word "coaching"

…problem solving can positively impact preaching, teaching, evangelism, team building, and the empowerment of new leaders. What makes coaching Christian? To some the answer is as simple as a coaching…

Leading Ideas Stock art of a street sign that says "Mission" and "Future" with the words "NARRATIVE BUDGETS a stewardship tool" printed in the sky

…Christian education and formation, evangelism and hospitality, and fellowship and inreach. However, each parish is unique, and these categories may not be exactly appropriate for your parish. You may decide,…
