
![Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr.]()
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership emeritus at Wesley Theological Seminary, and senior consultant and founding director of the Lewis Center
Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr., director of the Lewis Center and the James C. Logan Chair in Evangelism (an E. Stanley Jones Professorship) at Wesley Theological Seminary
Video Presentations
Unit 1: Why Look to Nehemiah for Lessons on Leadership? (8:59 min) presented by F. Douglas Powe, Jr.
This unit introduces Nehemiah and the situation that gave rise to his call, how he learned of the plight of his people, and how he reacted to that news.
Unit 2: Leadership and God’s Call (6:54 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
This unit explores how Nehemiah understood his leadership as a calling from God, how he grounded his action in prayer, and how everything Nehemiah did came from the belief that he was doing God’s will.
Unit 3: Seeking God’s Vision (7:15 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
This unit reveals how Nehemiah understood the importance of a rallying vision and how he was always asking God to provide vision for him.
Unit 4: Discerning a Vision (9:47 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
This unit explored how the process of discerning a vision is most successful when leaders take certain deliberate steps to unearth the clues that point to God’s preferred future.
Unit 5: Building a Team (7:59 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
This unit describes how engaging others was critical to Nehemiah in understanding the situation, confirming the vision, and achieving the vision.
Unit 6: Staying the Course (7:15 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Even God’s people get tired and grumble. This unit explores how Nehemiah stayed the course and kept the team engaged to fulfill the vision.
Study and Discussion Guide
Each Study and Discussion Guide unit includes key scripture passages, discussion questions, and a brief prayer to be used in addition to the video for each session. Available on PDF.
Sample Study and Discussion Guide pages:

Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together E-book
This PDF e-book includes complete transcripts of the video lessons on a number of key leadership themes in Nehemiah’s story:
- How faithful leadership is grounded in God’s call and bolstered by the power of prayer
- The critical role of vision in effective leadership
- The process of discerning and naming a relevant vision
- The importance of engaging others and building a team
- The need for patience and perseverance in pursuing worthy goals
The e-book is also available separately. Learn more.
Sample e-book pages:

- Instructional Segments
Unit 1: Why Look to Nehemiah for Lessons on Leadership?
- Why Look to Nehemiah for Lessons on Leadership? video (8:59 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 1: Why Look to Nehemiah for Lessons on Leadership? (PDF)
Unit 2: Leadership and God’s Call
- Leadership and God’s Call video (6:54 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 2: Leadership and God’s Call (PDF)
Unit 3: Seeking God’s Vision
- Seeking God’s Vision video (7:15 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 3: Seeking God’s Vision (PDF)
Unit 4: Discerning a Vision
- Discerning a Vision video (9:47 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 4: Discerning a Vision (PDF)
Unit 5: Building a Team
- Building a Team video (7:59 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 5: Building a Team (PDF)
Unit 6: Staying the Course
- Staying the Course video (7:15 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 6: Staying the Course (PDF)
Related Resource
“Leading Like Nehemiah,” a Leading Ideas Talks podcast episode featuring Lovett H. Weems Jr.
Listen now or read interview.
Usage Rights
Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together is designed for use within a single congregation or charge. To purchase rights for further distribution, please contact the Lewis Center at (202) 664-5700 or Bulk rates are available.