
![Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr.]()

Dr. Ann A. Michel, associate director of the Lewis Center
Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr., director of the Lewis Center and the James C. Logan Chair in Evangelism (an E. Stanley Jones Professorship) at Wesley Theological Seminary
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership and founding director of the Lewis Center
Video Presentations
1. Biblical Hospitality (10:23 min) presented by F. Douglas Powe, Jr.
The Genesis 18 account of Abraham and Sarah welcoming three strangers offers important lessons on the nature of hospitality. The story prompts us to ask: How do we initially encounter others? Do we focus on their needs? Do we truly listen?
2. Seeing your Church through the Eyes of Someone New (4:02 min) presented by Ann A. Michel
Church members generally fail to notice what might be unfamiliar, unwelcoming, or off-putting to newcomers. This presentation suggests strategies for putting yourself in the place of someone new in order to understand their concerns and expectations.
3. Your Welcome Begins Online (5:30 min) presented by Ann A. Michel
In today’s digital world, a newcomer’s first exposure to your church is likely to be through your website or online worship. And potential visitors often checkout livestreamed worship before stepping foot into your building. This presentation considers how you can convey a welcoming presence through these online points of connection.
4. How Welcoming is Your Building? (6:32 min) presented by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Is your church building an impenetrable labyrinth? Does it send the signal that nothing new or exciting has happened in decades? This presentation outlines steps to make sure your building and grounds make a good first impression.
5. Hospitality is Everybody’s Responsibility (10:41 min) presented by Ann A. Michel
An effective ministry of greeting begins with the understanding that everyone in your church is a greeter. This presentation explores how to develop a congregation-wide culture of hospitality, with a well-trained cadre of official greeters on the front lines.
6. Making Your Worship Visitor-Friendly (11:09 min) presented by F. Douglas Powe, Jr.
Every church’s worship is full of code words, insider-language, unfamiliar music, and unspoken assumptions that confuse visitors and make them feel they don’t belong. This presentation outlines best practices for making your worship more accessible to visitors by eliminating insider language and unspoken assumptions that can make them feel they don’t belong.
7. Letting Your Visitors Know You Want to See Them Again (8:00 min) presented by F. Douglas Powe, Jr.
Effective and systematic visitor follow up requires that you have a system – but one that doesn’t seem mechanical and impersonal. This presentation explains how to track and follow up with visitors and invite them to come again without making them feel they are being stalked.
- Instructional Segments
Unit 1: Biblical Hospitality
- Biblical Hospitality video (10:23 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 1: Biblical Hospitality (PDF)
Unit 2: Seeing your Church through the Eyes of Someone New
- Seeing your Church Through the Eyes of Someone New video (4:02 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 2: Seeing your Church Through the Eyes of Someone New (PDF)
Unit 3: Your Welcome Begins Online
- Your Welcome Begins Online video (5:30 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 3: Your Welcome Begins Online (PDF)
Unit 4: How Welcoming is Your Building?
- How Welcoming is Your Building? video (6:32 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 4: How Welcoming is Your Building? (PDF)
- Making a Good First Impression — Congregational Inventory (PDF)
Unit 5: Hospitality is Everybody’s Responsibility
- Hospitality is Everybody’s Responsibility video (10:41 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 5: Hospitality is Everybody’s Responsibility (PDF)
- The Ministry of Greeting: Guidelines for Greeters (PDF)
Unit 6: Making Your Worship Visitor-Friendly
- Making Your Worship Visitor-Friendly video (11:09 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 6: Making Your Worship Visitor-Friendly (PDF)
Unit 7: Letting Your Visitors Know You Want to See Them Again
- Letting Your Visitors Know You Want to See Them Again video (8:00 min)
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 7: Letting Your Visitors Know You Want to See Them Again (PDF)
Unit 8: Action Planning
- Study and Discussion Guide — Unit 8: Action Planning (PDF)