- Greet guests when they first arrive in the parking lot.
- Greet guests as they arrive at the door, saying “Good to see you. Glad you are here.” Do not ask for their names as many guests are cautious and prefer anonymity. The larger the church, the more this is true.
- Clearly mark the rest rooms, nursery, and worship rooms. In a large building with a complicated layout, have greeters stand at the intersection of hallways ready to escort guests who are unsure about finding their way.
- Find a way to acknowledge and welcome guests in worship without singling them out or embarrassing them. In many communities, guests prefer to be anonymous so do not ask them to stand and introduce themselves.
- Have an easy and readily available method for worship guests who wish to give you their name and contact information.
- Practice the “Circle of Ten.” Encourage church leaders to greet everyone personally — member or guest— who may sit within ten feet of them on Sunday.
- Know that guests typically leave the building within three minutes after the service. Encourage church leaders to follow the “Rule of Three,” devoting the first three minutes after the benediction to speaking with those they do not know before speaking to family and friends.
These ideas are excerpted from the Lewis Center’s 50 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance prepared by Dr. Crossman.