Give a Word of Witness


One of the most powerful tools for growing generosity in the church is telling the story of how the church is transforming people’s lives through ministry. People want to know their giving is making a difference in the life of another — so give a word of witness!

In talking with those who tithe or give above a 10 percent tithe, the most frequently named motivator is hearing the witness of a fellow church member.

Giving testimony about how God changes lives will encourage bountiful giving, but moving people to increase their giving substantially typically requires a slightly different type of witness. In talking with those who tithe or give above a 10 percent tithe, the most frequently named motivator is hearing the witness of a fellow church member. Hearing a respected friend or someone considered a peer talk about their giving is a highly effective way of moving people to bountiful giving.

The most powerful stories are those that are honest about wrestling with God over gift amounts. Encourage those who will share their witness to be detailed and specific about the giving and the events that led them to give at their current level. While some people may be uncomfortable with this, it reminds people that this is serious business and not to be taken lightly. It raises expectations and helps people realize the magnitude of sacrifice being made by those giving witness. If people are unwilling to share specific amounts, ask them to share percentages or give examples such as giving the equivalent of a car payment or a vacation or home remodeling project. Always end with an encouragement and challenge for people to join you on the journey.

Have the pastor review the giving list to identify people or families who have clearly stepped up in their giving. Schedule a visit and find out why. Be intentional about recruiting a diverse group of people for the testimonies — people who represent various age groups, lengths of membership, races, levels of socioeconomic status, and so forth. And remember, people who prepare their remarks in advance are less likely to exceed the time limit. It will also be beneficial for the pastor to review the remarks before they are made in worship.

Scott and Kristine are the authors of Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving at Your Church (Abingdon Press, 2013) from which this material is excerpted and adapted. The book is available through Cokesbury or Amazon.

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About Author

Kristine Miller

Kristine Miller, CFRE, Ministry Strategist with Horizons Stewardship, has assisted churches and nonprofits in fulfilling their visions for ministry for over fifteen years. Ms. Miller was previously the Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving for the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and a Senior Vice President with a national stewardship consulting firm. She has coauthored several books with Scott McKenzie, the most recent being The Generosity Challenge: 28 Days of Gratitude, Prayer, and Faith, (Abingdon Press, 2019), along with supplementary products. hese are available online at Cokesbury, Abingdon Press, and Amazon.

Scott McKenzie

Scott McKenzie is a senior vice president and partner with Horizons Stewardship, which has helped more than 10,000 churches and faith-based nonprofits grow disciples and fund ministry with consultants, workshops, and resources. McKenzie has 25 years of fundraising experience with churches and nonprofits. He has coauthored several books with Kristine Miller, the most recent being The Generosity Challenge: 28 Days of Gratitude, Prayer, and Faith, (Abingdon Press, 2019), along with supplementary products. These are available online at Cokesbury, Abingdon Press, and Amazon.