Browsing: Leading Ideas

Leading Ideas
Delivered every Wednesday, our free e-newsletter Leading Ideas offers articles by thoughtful, cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you be the leader God is calling you to be.

The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations and denominations thrive and grow by providing ideas, research, resources, and training for vital and fruitful leadership. Through Leading Ideas, we share vignettes of leaders and congregations, book reviews, leadership quotes, and helpful “right questions” built around the premise that leaders don’t need answers — they need to know the right questions.

Leading Ideas
0 Engaging Children Through Active Wondering

Tanya Campen describes how engaging children through active wondering creates space for them to share freely and nurtures honest conversation. She equips teachers and guides to shepherd children in the holy work of active wondering. Active wondering creates space for authentic and honest conversation. “I wonder” questions present an invitation into holy conversation. They create a space for children to…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Essential Qualities of Effective Evangelism

Priscilla Pope-Levison’s book, Models of Evangelism, studies eight influential approaches to evangelism, everything from visitation and revivalism to social media. She finds that regardless of the method deployed, five qualities are essential to effective evangelism — hospitality, relationships, integrity, sharing the Christian message, and rootedness in the church. To celebrate the Lewis Center’s anniversary, we are highlighting Leading Articles —…

Leading Ideas
0 Who will be God’s Agents of Pastoral Calling?

Many pastors recall that it was another pastor who first invited them to consider their call to ministry. Yet it seems fewer and fewer pastors today feel comfortable initiating these conversations. This paradox has promoted the Lewis Center’s Religious Workforce Project Research Team to wonder who will be God’s agents of pastoral calling? In interviews with scores of pastors, we…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Guideposts for Reshaping Your Staff Team

Susan Beaumont says many churches see a need to reconfigure their staffing in this new era. She outlines five guidelines to frame a better conversation about the design of your church’s staffing structure. The pandemic unraveled staff team structures. Resignations and retirements were at an all-time high. Downsizing was necessary for some congregations. Others hired new staff to respond to…

Leading Ideas
0 Effective Pastoral Transition: An In-Depth Interview with Lee Kricher

How can a seamless pastoral transition lead to a more effective leadership transition? Jessica Anschutz of the Lewis Center staff speaks with Lee Kricher, author of Seamless Pastoral Transition: 3 Imperatives — 6 Pitfalls, about shared leadership, nurturing future leaders, leading with humility, and more.  Listen to this interview, watch the interview video on YouTube, or continue reading. Jessica Anschutz: Lee,…

Leading Ideas
0 The Importance of Holy Friendships

Victoria Atkinson White says that pastors and Christian institutional leaders cannot do their holy work without the support of holy friendships. Mutual, sacred relationships deeply formed in God’s love combat loneliness and isolation, promote spiritual health and emotional wellbeing, and enable God’s servants to remain fruitful in ministry. An institution cannot thrive if its leaders are not healthy, so my…

Leading Ideas
0 4 Characteristics of Biblical Evangelism

To celebrate the Lewis Center’s anniversary, we are highlighting Leading Articles — some of our most popular posts of the past 20 years. We are pleased to share again this article by Doug Powe, originally published on December 5, 2018. Lewis Center Director Doug Powe says biblical evangelism is characterized by four key practices — proclamation, community, service, and witness.…

Leading Ideas
0 Why Small Congregation Worship Matters

Teresa Stewart has faith in the future of small congregations because she has faith in a God who shows up even in small and forgotten places. She believes that small churches are critical learning laboratories as the church navigates a future far too complex for one-size-fits-all patterns of ministry. Let’s start with this fundamental agreement about worship. It’s a truth…

Leading Ideas
0 Two Approaches to Digital Playlists for Faith Formation

How can a digital playlist enhance hybrid and online faith formation? John Roberto shares two approaches for creating digital playlists to strengthen faith formation. The digital playlist has become an essential resource for designing hybrid and online faith formation. What the textbook was to the print era, the playlist is to the digital world. It provides the learning content in…

Leading Ideas
0 How to Keep Preaching Fresh: An In-Depth Interview with Teresa Fry Brown

How can preachers keep their preaching fresh? Doug Powe of the Lewis Center staff interviews Professor of Preaching Teresa Fry Brown about preaching familiar texts for different generations, preaching for in person and digital audiences, as well as sermon preparation for bivocational pastors.  Listen to this interview, watch the interview video on YouTube, or continue reading. Doug Powe: Dr. Teresa Frye…

Leading Ideas
0 Leading Topics: Paving the Way for Smoother Pastoral Transitions

Paving the Way for Smoother Pastoral Transitions The transitional time when one pastor is leaving a church and another is picking up the mantel of their leadership is a critical chapter in the life of any congregation. It is also a key juncture in the ministry of any pastoral leader. Both outgoing and incoming pastors and the congregations they serve…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Characteristics of Effective Ministry Teams

To celebrate the Lewis Center’s anniversary, we are highlighting Leading Articles — some of our most popular posts of the past 20 years. We are pleased to share again this article by Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff, originally published on July 29, 2015. If your congregation relies on leadership teams to make ministry happen, the vitality of your…

Leading Ideas
0 Is Spiritual Maturity a Prerequisite for New Church Leaders?

Ann Michel of the Lewis Center questions the common advice that churches should only invite those who are already spiritually mature into leadership roles. She says new leaders can grow in faith and discipleship through their service, especially when existing leaders are committed to supporting their faith development and leadership growth.  I’ve read a lot of advice over the years…

Leading Ideas
0 Humility is Critical to Successful Pastoral Transition

Lee Kricher says that one of the key variables in a successful pastoral transition is humility. It is difficult but essential that both outgoing and incoming pastors adopt an attitude of humility and respect for each other. The outgoing pastor who genuinely cares about the people and ministry of the church will do everything possible to humbly transfer their leadership…

Leading Ideas
0 Breakthrough: Trusting God for Big Change in Your Church — An In-Depth Interview with Dawn Weaks

What happens when a congregation trusts God for big change? Doug Powe of the Lewis Center staff speaks with author and pastor Dawn Darwin Weaks about the rebirth of Connection Christian Church and how to lead change well.   Listen to this interview, watch the interview video on YouTube, or continue reading. Doug Powe: Breakthrough: Trusting God for Big Change in Your…

Leading Ideas
0 Where Churches Spend Too Much and Where They Spend Too Little

In working with more than 500 churches, The Unstuck Group identified certain expenditure areas where churches commonly invest too little and those where churches tend to invest too much. Their findings may offer clues to bringing a better balance to your church’s budget.  Many churches underinvest in some aspects of their ministry while other aspects of their ministry have disproportionately…

Leading Ideas
0 4 Keys to More Effective Church Communication

Joel Snider explains that a healthy church culture requires constant attention to good communication. Effective communication requires a consistent process that begins with a healthy approach to decision making and requires accuracy and repetition when sharing messages. To celebrate the Lewis Center’s anniversary, we are highlighting Leading Articles — some of our most popular posts of the past 20 years.…

Leading Ideas
0 7 Suggestions for Outsourcing Your Church’s Staffing Needs

How can outsourcing fill church staffing needs? Greg Rogers shares seven suggestions for outsourcing staff drawing from Oakmont Baptist Church’s response to unexpected yet urgent staffing needs. What are some options to consider when church staffing needs exist, but, as scripture states, “the laborers are few?” Oakmont Baptist Church in Greenville, North Carolina, where I formerly served as senior pastor…

Leading Ideas
0 Covid Taught Us How to Shift and Pivot to Sustain Our Mission

James Kim describes how new expressions of ministry initiated in the years of Covid helped his two-campus church in Lakewood, Washington, thrive and grow. He explains that the two most important leadership skills were keeping the mission clear and having a willingness to pivot and experiment in the face of a constantly changing context. Good leadership may not be necessary…

Leading Ideas
0 The Holy Work of Hybrid and Virtual Christian Education: An In-Depth Interview with Tanya Campen

How can Christian educators maximize the potential for learning in both hybrid and virtual classrooms? Doug Powe of the Lewis Center staff speaks with author and pastor Tanya Campen about the holy work of Christian education.   Listen to this interview, watch the interview video on YouTube, or continue reading. Doug Powe: Joining me is Rev. Dr. Tanya Campen, Director of Intergenerational…

Leading Ideas
0 When the Pastor Is Your Plumber

Lovett H. Weems Jr. writes about the long and rich history of bivocational ministry in the Bible, throughout the generations of American history and around the world today. He says bivocational ministry is one lane in the pathway to the future that needs careful and sustained attention as more churches face declining memberships and other economic pressures. Ronda Rich, a…

Leading Ideas
0 Helping People Connect with God through Nature

The natural world is our first way of knowing God, says Beth Norcross, an expert in spirituality and nature. Finding God in nature can reconnect people with faith and the biblical tradition, especially the growing percentage of younger people who are less attracted by the trappings of the institutional church. To celebrate the Lewis Center’s anniversary, we are highlighting Leading…

Leading Ideas
0 4 Ways to Make Easter Hospitality the Pattern for the Year

Lewis Center Director Doug Powe says special efforts to welcome visitors at Easter shouldn’t be set aside once the holiday is over. He outlines four ways the hospitality of the Easter season can be the launching pad for more intentional visitor welcome throughout the year. In many churches, Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day are the three times of year when…

Leading Ideas
0 Why Limit the Celebration of Easter to Just One Sunday?

David Manner says that many churches attract new attendees with the lure of Easter but then quickly leave the subject. He asks, if Easter really is the foundation of our faith, why do we limit its celebration to just one Sunday? This article was originally published March 29, 2022. We’ve all seen social media hyperlinks that entice readers to click…

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