Browsing: Leading Ideas

Leading Ideas
Delivered every Wednesday, our free e-newsletter Leading Ideas offers articles by thoughtful, cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you be the leader God is calling you to be.

The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations and denominations thrive and grow by providing ideas, research, resources, and training for vital and fruitful leadership. Through Leading Ideas, we share vignettes of leaders and congregations, book reviews, leadership quotes, and helpful “right questions” built around the premise that leaders don’t need answers — they need to know the right questions.

Leading Ideas
0 Essential Acts of Leadership

Donald L. Laurie, in his book The Real Work of Leaders (Perseus, 2000), focuses on what he calls “The Seven Essential Acts of Leadership.” Leaders have a responsibility to communicate what is going on that matters and why it matters, especially in times of change. Here is how Laurie names them: 1. Get on the balcony. A leader must be…

Leading Ideas
0 An Opportunity for an Invitation

While my husband and I were out recently, a young college student took our order at a fast food restaurant. Noticing her name tag, I commented that that was my mother’s name and I loved it. She smiled and thanked me. Then when she asked for the order name, I told her my name and she said, “That is my…

Leading Ideas
0 Characteristics of a Healthy Youth Ministry

Congregations that succeed in nurturing the faith of young people tend to demonstrate certain key characteristics. What are the top characteristics of a healthy youth ministry? 11. Safe space. Young people need safe spaces (time, relationships, or physical space) where they can “be” themselves instead of trying to “prove” themselves. They need the emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual freedom to…

Leading Ideas
0 Time to Invite

In the last year, several friends who live in different parts of the country have returned to church after a number of years of inactivity. This is encouraging and counter to the national trend since 2002 of fewer people attending church. There are two striking characteristics among these church returners. None returned to a church of their former denomination. All…

Leading Ideas
0 Leading in Challenging Times

What if you knew that your congregation were on a collision course with its demise? What would you do? Whom would you tell? How would it change the way you lead? Would it affect your sense of urgency? Would it help you better distinguish between minor and major issues? Business as usual for established churches is going to lead us…

Leading Ideas
0 Worshiping at Two Vital Congregations

Readers of Leading Ideas are familiar with the Lewis Center’s focus on the church’s challenge to “reach more people, younger people, and more diverse people.” I recently attended two churches not of my own denomination that seem to be succeeding in this task. The distinctives of the Brooklyn Tabernacle are in many ways similar to City Church. They include the…

Leading Ideas
0 Picking People — Lessons from Peter Drucker

Selecting or helping to select personnel, paid staff, and volunteers is a prime task of leaders. Below are suggestions that come from the legendary management thinker Peter F. Drucker. They are found in The Essential Drucker: Selections from the Management Works of Peter F. Drucker (HarperBusiness, 2001, chapter 9). Of all the decisions a leader makes, none is as important…

Leading Ideas
0 Getting to Know the “Mayors” of Your Community

Congregational revitalization happens when the community and the church come together to make it happen. But it can’t be the church saying, “This is what the community needs.” It has to be the community in the church and the church in the community finding their common voice, speaking a vision of hope, and laying out a plan for bringing their…

Leading Ideas
0 Helping Youth Have a Faith of Their Own

The fact that youth participate in church less as they get older and often are not present in church as young adults can lead church leaders to assume they lack religious interest. A new book growing out of the National Study of Youth and Religion challenges that assumption. Sociologists Lisa Pearce and Melinda Lundquist Denton found that older teens and…

Leading Ideas
0 Teaching Children to Tithe

Teaching children to tithe is an important part of their faith education that we often overlook. Giving to God is a core value of our faith that should be taught early and reinforced often. The most common way that I see tithing taught to children is simply by grownups giving children a quarter to put in the offering plate. This…

Leading Ideas
0 The Soul of a Small Church

These are anxious times for the lay and clergy leaders of small congregations. The repercussions of a disappointing economy, aging and shrinking membership, and a growing sector of happy seculars combine to raise hard questions. How long can we go on like this? Fail to connect with those outside our doors? Afford our pastor? Keep up this building? Not everything…

Leading Ideas
0 Turning Church Spectators into Active Participants

The story told in John 21:15-19 is almost too familiar. Three times Jesus asks if Peter loves him, three times Peter says yes, and each time Jesus responds with the commands: “Feed my lambs.” “Take care of my sheep.” “Feed my sheep.” Ministers know this passage, and yet most feel lucky to see even half their flock at church. Too…

Leading Ideas
0 Will the Mainline Denominations Get It Right?

“We can either have a hard decade or a bad century.” New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman used these stark words to describe the challenge now facing the United States. Perhaps a similar dilemma faces mainline denominations with many of them facing major decisions at denominational assemblies. We know that with or without reform, the coming years will be…

Leading Ideas
0 Meeting Your New First-Time Guest

Fifty years ago a person moved to town, looked in the newspaper or phone book for a church of their denomination, visited a couple of them (if there were more than one), and then joined the church. Twenty-five years ago a person moved to town, looked in the newspaper or phone book for churches in general, visited three or four…

Leading Ideas
0 Your Website is Your Church’s Welcome Mat

Increasingly, those looking for a church begin their search online. Therefore, a congregation’s website must function as a satellite of their church. Consider every part of the website from the perspective of visitors and the unchurched. Consider these facts: Eighty to 85 percent of people searching for a church use the internet. For church websites generally, 19 percent of “content views”…

Leading Ideas
0 Overcoming Motion Sickness

Have you ever experienced motion sickness? Persons who suffer from motion sickness become severely ill when traveling at certain speeds or distances. In many cases, this limits or prevents extensive travel. Not only can this rob the person of valuable experiences, it may also hamper the travel of other family members. Visioning, change in pastoral leadership or leadership style, new…

Leading Ideas
0 The Appropriate Use of Email in Church Leadership

In this era of electronic media, clergy are faced with particular challenges in pastoral conversations — particularly those conducted by email. This wonderfully efficient means of communication can easily become a vehicle for spontaneous and reactive expression of thoughts and feelings that would never be said in person. It is my pastoral practice not to reply by email or text…

Leading Ideas
0 Relationships Are Everything

Just as all Christian leadership originates in our relationship with Christ, our day-by-day leadership depends on relationships with others that mirror the ideals of our faith. Leadership success is increasingly dependent on getting along with others. A recent global survey found that not delivering “acceptable results” was not among the most common reasons for failure. This does not mean, however,…

Leading Ideas
0 Taking Time to Refocus

Not long ago, I realized that I had spent several weeks in a reactive mode — constantly dealing with one thing after another that popped onto my radar screen or crossed my desk as pastor. Certainly there are times in the ebb and flow of ministry when things spring up that require immediate attention. And that’s okay to a point.…

Leading Ideas
0 Ask Bigger Questions

In June 2011, Steve Jobs made a twenty-minute presentation to the Cupertino City Council to introduce Apple’s plans for a new corporate headquarters, affectionately known as “the mothership.” This presentation caught my attention because it happened on the heels of Jobs’s big introduction of OSX Lion, iOS5, and iCloud at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. I laughed that even…

Leading Ideas
0 Expanding Your Prayer Ministry through Twitter

People in your community — many unknown to you — have prayer needs each day. Many of them share their prayer concerns using Twitter, the social media tool which allows people to broadcast short messages. Some churches are finding that using Twitter to expand their prayer ministries allows them to connect better with individual needs and community-wide concerns. I learned…

Leading Ideas
0 Remaining Fruitful in the Midst of a Financial Reset

I think the American Church is undergoing a reset. America is getting older; and the Church is even older. For a generation, expenditures have increased while membership has declined. Mainline Protestant churches are at unsustainable levels of salary, benefits, and indebtedness. We can’t just downsize temporarily or ride out the storm. There must be fundamental changes in the way we…

Leading Ideas
0 Congregational Focus

Dan Aleshire, executive director of the Association of Theological Schools in the U. S. and Canada, went back to his home town in Ohio to chronicle the ways in which the churches of the community had changed since his family moved there fifty years before. One church was Concord United Methodist Church located in open country when Dan was growing…

Leading Ideas
0 Taking Note of Leadership Lessons

There is truth in the adage “Experience is the best teacher.” But how can we best capture the lessons experience teaches?  A few years ago, I started recording experiences and insights related to my pastoral leadership. I organized the document first in terms of the key elements of my job. Then, I continued with sections on great ideas, quotes, and…

Leading Ideas
0 Fast Forwarding Your Church’s Community Engagement

Many churches today are pioneering a shift in which they are truly engaging their communities in mission. These churches are not only deploying their own members for service; they are engaging with people who aren’t part of their church, but who are attracted to rolling up their sleeves to bless the community. They are strategically engaging with other churches and…

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