Browsing: Leading Ideas

Leading Ideas
Delivered every Wednesday, our free e-newsletter Leading Ideas offers articles by thoughtful, cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you be the leader God is calling you to be.

The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations and denominations thrive and grow by providing ideas, research, resources, and training for vital and fruitful leadership. Through Leading Ideas, we share vignettes of leaders and congregations, book reviews, leadership quotes, and helpful “right questions” built around the premise that leaders don’t need answers — they need to know the right questions.

Leading Ideas
0 Do New People at Your Church Need a GPS?

Have you ever asked for directions? The practice was much more common in pre-GPS days. As a pastor in small towns and rural areas of Mississippi, I often asked for directions, especially when new in the community. I quickly learned that directions that sound so clear when hearing them become quickly confusing once you start out to find the location.…

Leading Ideas
0 Giving our Best to God?

A phrase made popular by management writer Philip Crosby is “quality is free.” It reminds us that efforts to ensure that work is done right do not cost us time and money. It is the errors that cost. Just think how much extra time and effort are required to correct a mistake or redo something not done properly in the…

Leading Ideas
0 Stop Complaining about Sunday Morning Sports

It’s a common complaint among clergy types, “Sunday morning sports are taking people away from worship!” This lament and the exasperation that accompanies it go deeper than just whether a family shows up on a particular Sunday. It is the lament of the loss of the privileged place that the Church — and clergy — once enjoyed in our culture.…

Leading Ideas
0 Listening: A Key Team Building Skill

It just may be that the best way to make people feel truly honored is to listen to them with rapt and sincere attentiveness. Few practices are more meaningful than the person who will give you undivided attention; few oversights are more demeaning than when someone makes you feel that listening is an unwanted chore. One reason some groups never…

Leading Ideas
0 Unclutter Your Church

What needs to die in your church? We begin the journey of restarting your church by allowing for, even encouraging, places of death. We choose to have a memorial service for what worked in the past, to honor the prior period of time, and to make a decision to move forward. We choose to let the past set us free…

Leading Ideas
0 Finding Focus in the New Year

Often New Year’s resolutions tend to be grand and unrealistic. Perhaps that is why the failure rate is so high. Sometimes we do the same with our church plans. In the hope of covering all bases and avoiding criticism that plans are too narrow or neglect an important dimension, we try to cover the waterfront. There is a place for…

Leading Ideas
0 The Theology of Social Media

Social media outlets have become indispensable resources to church leaders seeking to be faithful to the Gospel in the modern world. While there are practical reasons for implementing social media as part of our ministry models, the more fundamental reasons are theological. We were created to be in relationship with one another. Our need for relationship is part of the…

Leading Ideas
0 Working with Committees and Boards

One of the least glamorous jobs of any church leader is attending board or committee meetings. Understanding the purpose, vision, and goals of each ministry board or committee is immensely helpful in making the most of time spent in meetings. Meetings are inextricably linked to church work, and everyone desires that their meetings be effective. Yet few leaders are taught…

Leading Ideas
0 Limitations of an Annual Review

December is often the time when congregations and denominations require annual evaluations of clergy and staff. Evaluation is a good thing. But when the only feedback provided is in the once-a-year formal evaluation, the limitations often exceed the benefits. There are two basic types of assessment. The required once-a-year review is an example of “summative” evaluation. Usually these are required…

Leading Ideas
0 Developing Your Own “Undo Send” Button

Have you ever sent an email and immediately regretted it? Most of us have. Google added a feature to its Gmail system called “Undo Send” just for such occasions. Originally the sender had five seconds to “undo” the send command. Five seconds seems not very long. In fact, immediately pressure came for Google to extend the time to 10, 20,…

Leading Ideas
0 Mission-driven Church Mergers

In their book Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work (Jossey-Bass, 2012), Jim Tomberlin and Warren Bird examine the recent wave of church mergers. The book makes the bold claim that mission-driven mergers have the potential to transform the church world by expanding the impact of strong churches while revitalizing plateaued or declining churches. Mergers today succeed when there is a united,…

Leading Ideas
0 Doing Church “as Usual” Is Not Working

The Pew Research Center’s recent report on changes in religious affiliation in the United States received major attention among both secular and religious media. Some of the findings were expected. The report shows Protestants declining to below 50 percent of the population, continuing a long trend. The U.S. Protestant majority that began in colonial times has been eroding more rapidly…

Leading Ideas
0 Surmounting Leadership Defeats

How do we rebound from setbacks to our best-laid attempts to exercise responsible leadership in ministry? I recently returned from a large denominational gathering where a major reform effort into which persons had poured incredible amounts of research, labor and time, was overturned at the last minute on a legal technicality. There was shock, anger, and various degrees of resignation.…

Leading Ideas
0 Stewarding God’s Gift of Time

God has given each of us the ability to do many things. Yet we have to make choices, to say no to some activities in order to do well the things God has called us to. Using our time wisely requires focus and discipline. Stewardship is the theological principle that underpins making such choices. God blesses us with material resources,…

Leading Ideas
0 Worship as Mission

When congregations and their leaders think about worship or about mission, it often appears that they think of the two as compartmentalized and entirely separate from each other. Worship and mission are, it seems, quite different aspects of a congregation’s life and ministry without any necessary or intrinsic relationship to each other. In a new post-Christendom world, everything a congregation…

Leading Ideas
0 The Risks and Rewards of Being an Associate Pastor

Let’s face it. Working as an associate pastor is not glamorous. You are not preaching every Sunday, your name is not on the church sign, you get paid less (or in some traditions, not at all), and many church members assume your tenure will be brief. Some senior pastors have been solo pastors for so long that they tend to…

Leading Ideas
0 The One Room (Church) Schoolhouse

My mother attended a one room schoolhouse for all but the last two years of her public education. As a Baby Boomer, I grew up riding the wave of school growth and consolidation and the several accommodations that went with the territory: school buses, area rather than local sports, and, above all, specialization in curriculum with division of the student…

Leading Ideas
0 Focus Can Help Christmas Mission Giving

Many churches confront a question of missional focus, especially as the holiday season approaches. One group proposes an angel tree project. Another wants to do a coat drive. Someone else is collecting toiletries for the homeless, grocery cards for the hungry, toys for needy children. Needs are great everywhere. So shouldn’t your church offer many opportunities for people to help?…

Leading Ideas
0 Showing Appreciation for Your Pastor

Some of you may know that October is designated Pastor Appreciation Month in some denominations and congregations. This is not a major national observance, but some churches do use the designation to make sure they show appreciation for their clergy leadership. While such gestures are thoughtful and appreciated, most clergy would settle for more modest ongoing respect and encouragement. It’s…

Leading Ideas
0 A Keystone Habit for Our Time

A much-talked-about book currently is The Power of Habit. The author, Charles Duhigg, attempts to answer the questions, “Why do habits exist, and how can we change them?” While Duhigg presents scientific evidence about how habits set our patterns of behavior, the most important part of the book, in my opinion, are the stories of how habits are changed, not…

Leading Ideas
0 The Digital Ministry Bible

The “hope for revitalizing our churches,” maintain Elizabeth Drescher and Keith Anderson, “is related to the ability of leaders in ministry to engage people exactly where they are. And ‘where they are’ increasingly includes social media spaces like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.” Their book, Click 2 Save: The Digital Ministry Bible (Morehouse, 2012) is packed with information about social media tools…

Leading Ideas
0 Metrics: A Tool for Learning, Not Judging

The current focus on setting numerical goals for ministry and reporting on the results is not new, though it is now greatly expanded. In the past, virtually all the goals churches set had to do with money. The most obvious example is the annual budget. A budget is a goal that the church works all year to achieve, monitors the…

Leading Ideas
0 Thinking Like a Host

From beginning to end, the Bible teaches us how to be hospitable. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we find stories of people acting as hosts, welcoming strangers, and discovering that there is something truly holy in their acts of hospitality. Yet, we have largely forgotten this in the life of the church. As hosts, we are constantly challenged to…

Leading Ideas
0 The Older Clergy Bubble Grows Larger in 2012

The Lewis Center for Church Leadership today released the 2012 version of its annual report on Clergy Age Trends in the United Methodist Church. The report, prepared with assistance from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, also includes figures from other denominations for the first time since 2008. The preponderance of older clergy is a trend across all mainline…

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