Browsing: Leading Ideas

Leading Ideas
Delivered every Wednesday, our free e-newsletter Leading Ideas offers articles by thoughtful, cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you be the leader God is calling you to be.

The Lewis Center is committed to helping congregations and denominations thrive and grow by providing ideas, research, resources, and training for vital and fruitful leadership. Through Leading Ideas, we share vignettes of leaders and congregations, book reviews, leadership quotes, and helpful “right questions” built around the premise that leaders don’t need answers — they need to know the right questions.

Leading Ideas
0 A Plentiful Harvest

Tom Berlin explains why fruitfulness in terms of membership, discipleship, and growth are key measures of leadership effectiveness. This article was originally published on November 11, 2005. I grew up in a town surrounded by apple orchards. Orchard workers tended the trees throughout the year. They put spacers in the branches, fertilized, trimmed and sprayed the trees so that every…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Ways to Communicate More Effectively with your Congregation

Ensuring that everyone in a busy church is informed about upcoming events can be a daunting task. Doug Powe, Director of the Lewis Center, shares strategies that can significantly improve your communication efforts and help make sure your messages are effectively conveyed and received by your congregation. Have you experienced some version of this scenario? You are planning a big…

Leading Ideas
0 YES in God’s Back Yard!

Richard Reinhard shares how some congregations are using their property to develop affordable housing and meet other community needs, as well as local initiatives to lower the barriers to this type of development.  Religious institutions face a great mismatch between small, aging congregations and large, deteriorating properties. Thousands are struggling to find new uses for their surplus space in ways…

Leading Ideas
0 Coop’s Soups, an Innovative Business and Ministry: An In-depth Interview with Cristin Cooper

A call to ministry along with a desire to make friends and fight off loneliness led Cristin Cooper to launch Coop’s Soups, an innovative business and ministry. In this interview, she shares with Lewis Center Director Doug Powe about how loving God and loving neighbor led her to reach people in new and creative ways.  Watch the interview video, listen to…

Leading Ideas
0 Christians and Public Policy: Be Engaged, Informed, and Conflicted

As we navigate our opinions on public policy and electoral choices, it’s tempting to delegate our critical thinking to others. Miranda Zapor Cruz writes that Kingdom citizens must resist this ease and strive to stay engaged, informed, and even conflicted. By doing so, we uphold our responsibilities as faithful citizens, ensuring our actions reflect thoughtful and conscientious participation.  As we…

Leading Ideas
0 Church Renewal Requires Property Renewal

Revitalizing a parish often begins with addressing its physical condition. While spiritual renewal is crucial, the state of the buildings can either foster or hinder that renewal. Neglected facilities become a source of anxiety, shame, and distraction, making it difficult for the congregation to focus on their mission. Gerald Keucher explains how a well-kept building can bolster a congregation’s self…

Leading Ideas
0 3 Key Principles for Intergenerational Preaching

What does intergenerational preaching look like? David Csinos shares that it is an emergent, experimental, and highly contextual endeavor that disrupts traditional homiletical norms. He offers three guiding principles to help cultivate the practice of intergenerational preaching: simplify the language, encourage conversation, and share the pulpit. Intergenerational preaching is not for the faint of heart. It is an emergent, experimental,…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Ways Forward for Very Small Congregations

The percentage of U.S. churches with attendance of 100 or fewer increased from 45 percent in 2000 to 70 percent in 2020. Lovett H. Weems Jr. shares relevant data while also considering the distinctive calling of very small congregations and ways they can embrace a more positive future.   The Religious Workforce Project of the Lewis Center is a multiyear…

Leading Ideas
0 Welcoming Young Adults: An In-Depth Interview with Dr. Reggie Blount

Where are all the young people? Does the church really want to do ministry with them? In this interview, Doug Powe speaks with Dr. Reggie Blount, Associate Professor of Formation, Leadership, and Culture at Garrett Theological Seminary, about how the church can strengthen their ministry among young adults through hospitality, welcoming, and empowering them in works of purpose and mission. …

Leading Ideas
0 10 Practical Strategies for Effective Stewardship Campaigns

Could your church benefit from a more systematic and effective approach to your annual stewardship drive? Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center staff lays out ten steps that can help your church do a better job of connecting with givers and inspiring generosity. A commitment campaign or stewardship drive is an annual ritual in many congregations. This exercise is…

Leading Ideas
0 Your Community is Your Congregation

Pastor Joe Daniels says vital churches focus outward, engaging their communities, not only to serve but to build relationships and make disciples. This article was originally published on October 15, 2014. One of the greatest challenges to the church in the twenty-first century is its lack of connection to its community. Far too many churches today have become drive-in, spiritual…

Leading Ideas
0 11 Simple Ideas to Make Your Church More Intergenerational

A congregation can start becoming more intergenerational by simply inviting one more generation to take part in any congregational event or activity. The authors of Intergenerational Christian Formation offer these simple possibilities for bringing different generations together.   1. Host a one-day intergenerational Sunday school.   Announce to the congregation, ‘We are so delighted to have our children, youth, young adults,…

Leading Ideas
0 4 Steps for Forming an Inclusive Group

How can church leaders embrace inclusivity and forge intercultural partnerships to chart a new course towards vibrant, equitable communities? Dale Weatherspoon shares four essential steps to foster inclusivity, from articulating the why to executing inclusive planning, and sustaining momentum for lasting change. Follow these steps as you seek to build bridges and elevate every voice in our shared quest for…

Leading Ideas
0 Being the Body of Christ through  Intergenerational Christian Practice: An In-depth Interview with Valerie Grissom

How can intergenerational Christian practice foster relationships with God and community by engaging persons of all ages? In this interview we speak with Valerie Grissom, editor of All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice and the Formation of God’s People, about the countercultural and community building work of intergenerational practices.  Watch the interview video on YouTube, listen to this interview, or continue reading.…

Leading Ideas
0 Moving from Ministry FOR the People to Ministry WITH the People

한국어로 Many congregations actively engage in community outreach activities that provide essential resources to those in need within our communities. While outreach is crucial, we must also strive to engage with people, fostering genuine relationships and shared efforts in our ministries. Doug Powe, of the Lewis Center staff, offers invitation and involvement as two ways congregations can move from community…

Leading Ideas
0 Your Building Has More Signs Than You Think

What do newcomers see when they visit your church? Pastor Molly Phinney Baskette invites you to see your building through the eyes of a newcomer, noting what’s confusing or unattractive, and identifying ways to make your building more welcoming. This article was originally published on June 10, 2015. Your building has way more signs than you think it does: The…

Leading Ideas
0 7 Essential Requirements for All Good Leaders

How would you assess your personal leadership ability? Dan Reiland explores seven essential requirements for effective leadership, encouraging leaders to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement. From developing self-awareness and practicing leadership skills to learning from mistakes and taking calculated risks, each aspect is vital for leading with integrity and impact. Moreover, it underscores the importance of maintaining…

Leading Ideas
0 6 Opportunities for Churches with Aging Memberships

Research undertaken by the Lewis Center’s Religious Workforce Project confirms that the over-representation of older people in churches has become more pronounced. Lovett Weems unpacks factors related to this trend and identifies six ways a church can respond to an aging membership base.  The Religious Workforce Project of the Lewis Center is a multiyear effort to understand the changing religious landscape in…

Leading Ideas
0 Moses, Pyramids and Leadership After Empire: An In-depth Interview with Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck

How can an innovative exploration of Moses’s biblical narrative offer a more generous leadership model for today’s religious leaders? In this interview, Doug Powe speaks about leadership with Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck, authors of Picking Up the Pieces: Leadership After Empire. Consider how God is calling you to a leadership model where power is shared so that power multiplies,…

Leading Ideas
0 Leaders Tell the Story of Their Organization

Storytelling is a relatable, memorable way to convey information and engage peoples’ hearts and minds. Justin Irving says effective leaders master the art of storytelling to engage stakeholders in the mission of their organizations. Storytelling can help leaders at any level of influence. And telling stories well—stories about the organization and its work—is essential at the organizational level. The importance…

Leading Ideas
0 Strong Youth Ministry and the Call to Ministry

Robert Schnase writes that a church can impact the number and quality of future pastoral leadership by having an effective youth ministry. Mentors can help youth interpret their calls and support them as their journeys unfold. This article was originally published on August 13, 2008. The other day I was driving down the interstate when I pulled into a roadside…

Leading Ideas
0 5 Benefits of Intergenerational Christian Formation

A family of faith more fully reflects the body of Christ when generations come together, and each individual brings their unique, God-given gifts. The authors of Intergenerational Christian Formation outline five benefits of intergenerational ministry for the church and members in different stage of life.    Intergenerational faith experiences uniquely nurture spiritual growth and development in both adults and children. We…

Leading Ideas
0 How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Enhances Your Ministry 

What are the benefits social media can bring to your ministry? Scott Holthaus highlights ways churches can build and boost their social media strategies to maximize the benefits of your church’s social media presence.   Building social media within ministries can feel daunting, foreign, and complicated—especially at first. It can feel like we’re putting in a lot of effort for very…

Leading Ideas
0 Everyday Leadership and Hope for Humanity: An In-depth Interview with Heidi Brooks

How can church leaders lead in a way that is meaningful, sustainable, interesting, and makes an impact? In this interview, Heidi Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Yale School of Management, a leadership and organizational behavior expert, shares how everyday leadership brings hope for humanity. Watch the interview video on YouTube, listen to this interview, or continue reading. Jessica…

Leading Ideas
0 Leading Amidst Christian Nationalism

Lovett H. Weems Jr. outlines seven strategies for responding to Christian nationalism in measured and faithful ways. Church leaders should try to help congregants put their love of country in perspective as people of faith while not expressing judgment or devaluing the feelings of loss that often give rise to today’s iteration of Christian nationalism.   Talk of Christian nationalism can…

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