The Right Questions for Church Leaders


The Right Questions for Church Leaders book coverCreativity and innovation in your ministry begin with asking the right questions.

Unlock the power of wise questioning with this essential guide for church leaders. Esteemed advisor Lovett H. Weems Jr. compiled lists of leadership questions over many years, testing and analyzing them in local churches and other ministry settings. This book is the culmination of that careful work. It provides clusters of questions to help readers address their most perplexing ministry challenges.

The questions are organized into 14 categories including Personnel, Expanding Reach and Impact, Management Skills, and Decision Making. Each set of questions is accompanied by guidance on when and how to use them effectively. The questions and other content are easy to grasp quickly, so you and your teams will see immediate benefit. And the questions apply in any denominational setting. Whether your congregation is large or small, these questions will steer you through critical issues with precision and insight.

Elevate your leadership skills, spark creativity in your ministry, and find the answers you need to succeed. Begin by asking the right questions.


“In times of uncertainty, it is human nature to reach for answers. Dr. Weems reminds us how essential it is that we instead ask questions: of ourselves, each other, and the systems in which we serve and live. In asking, we express curiosity that invites the Holy Spirit; and in listening, we make connections that allow us to find the best way forward. In this season of uncertainty, this book is a gift to every leader who loves the church and wants it to thrive.”

— Elizabeth Garrigan-Byerly, Executive Minister for Area Conference Ministry, Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ

“Lovett Weems is widely regarded as one of the most respected voices in the church today, particularly in leadership teaching and coaching. The Right Questions for Church Leaders is an essential resource, presented as a well-equipped toolbox filled with invaluable tools for effective leadership. Written by a true master builder, this book offers practical insights and guidance. Exploring its pages, I found myself selecting specific topics and uncovering the perfect ‘word-tool’ to address a given challenge that may need tightening up, fixing in some way, or made to be more effective and productive.”

— Stan Copeland, senior pastor, Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, TX

“Lovett Weems beautifully leads the reader into contemplation about their own lives and their legacy of leadership in this practical and engaging book. As pastors navigate an uncertain ecclesial future, these questions will help them move forward effectively. This is a much-needed resource.”

— Camille Cook Howe, senior pastor, Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC

“With his usual pastoral wisdom and warmth, Weems offers this collection of questions to guide church leaders in these complex and challenging times. As I read this book, I kept stopping to reflect on how I, our staff, and our members would respond to these important and revealing questions. This book will be a valuable tool for church staff and leadership boards as they discern current realities and vision for future effectiveness in ministry.”

— Amy Aitken, pastor, First United Methodist Church, Pasadena, CA

“This practical, relevant, and timely resource equips leaders to be life-long learners, moving toward greater personal and social transformation. As a leader of leaders, I appreciate and highly recommend this compilation of wisdom. From its reading. I will become more intentional about integrating this prac-tice of curiosity into my leadership, and share the practice with other leaders.”

— Aleze M. Fulbright, district superintendent, Indiana Conference, UMC

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About Author

Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.

Lovett H. Weems Jr. is senior consultant at the Lewis Center for Church Leadership, distinguished professor of church leadership emeritus at Wesley Theological Seminary, and author of several books on leadership.