Church Finances Don’t Have to be So Hard
Many churches struggle with finances due to a lack of financial understanding rather than insufficient funds. Effective financial tools and knowledge are crucial. Thomas James…
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Many churches struggle with finances due to a lack of financial understanding rather than insufficient funds. Effective financial tools and knowledge are crucial. Thomas James…
Virginia pastor Thomas James, a leading voice on the use of social media in ministry, says our modern world may require a new vision of…
What should pastors do about their social media relationships when they move from one pastoral assignment to another? Do you “unfriend” all former members on…
Social media outlets have become indispensable resources to church leaders seeking to be faithful to the Gospel in the modern world. While there are practical…
People in your community — many unknown to you — have prayer needs each day. Many of them share their prayer concerns using Twitter, the…
Facebook has become a part of everyday life for many across the world. In 2010 it was the most visited site on the internet. There…
This article is reprinted by permission from Leading Ideas, a free e-newsletter from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary available at churchleadership.com.