People Give to People
Stewardship consultant J. Clif Christopher says relationship building is the key factor in encouraging donors to give. And while pastors often shy away from talking…
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Stewardship consultant J. Clif Christopher says relationship building is the key factor in encouraging donors to give. And while pastors often shy away from talking…
In our culture, Christmas is a season of giving when church-goers and non-church-goers alike are inclined toward generosity. I witnessed a Christmas Eve service in which…
Some churches have endowments in which the principal is invested, with the earnings made available to support the work of the congregation. One pastor said…
When I started out in ministry nearly 35 years ago, I wandered into my first church board meeting with wide eyes and my mouth firmly…
Recently I talked with a pastor about how to fund a $6,000 need beyond the resources of the church budget. I felt he had an…
The other day I was visiting with a key donor of a church along with the pastor. The pastor was asking the donor if she…
This article is reprinted by permission from Leading Ideas, a free e-newsletter from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary available at churchleadership.com.