Search Results: attendance (233)

Leading Ideas Person worshipping in a small-congregation church

…it better imitates the practices of big congregations. Or when the attendance numbers make it worth God’s RSVP. Small congregation worship matters for this simple, essential, primary, theological reason: God…

Leading Ideas Hand holding a card that reads YOU'RE INVITED!

…a resource from the Lewis Center 4 Clues for Inviting Others to Church Effectively by Doug Powe 50 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance, a free tip sheet from the Lewis…

Leading Ideas Photo of a plumber's hand holding a wrench vs. a photo of a person holding a Bible aloft at church

…pastoral leadership. Fewer congregations now can financially support a full-time pastor. In the United Methodist Church, the number of churches with average attendance of 25 or fewer increased by 2,059,…

Leading Ideas 2022

…patterns of worship and congregational life, worrying attendance trends, churches reevaluating their building needs, and underlying demographic changes that challenge assumptions many churches hold regarding their future. Read more now….

Leading Ideas Sunbeam over a neighborhood church

…As someone who works primarily with mainline congregations, I hear a familiar story. It revolves around declining and aging attendance, long-overdue maintenance, lack of missional imagination, and stretched budgets. Churches…

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