Search Results: attendance (233)

50 Ways Stock photo of a group of people worshipping together

…Invite church members to make a written commitment to grow one step toward faithful attendance. Include a commitment to faithful worship attendance as part of a holistic annual stewardship commitment….

Leading Ideas Clip art of a bar graph that shows a downward trend

attendance. As I explained in my article “No Shows” in the current issue of Christian Century, many people assume that there has been a steady decline in worship attendance for…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of medical equipment

attendance. Worship attendance shows the “heartbeat” of the church. Review attendance relative to previous years, and look to understand rises and falls over the year and over multiple years. Also,…

Leading Ideas Person looking through binoculars at the number 2022

…They include still evolving patterns of worship and congregational life, worrying attendance trends, churches reevaluating their building needs, and underlying demographic changes that challenge assumptions many churches hold regarding their…

Leading Ideas Holidays throughout the year

…Focus Sundays by Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Tom Berlin 50 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance, a free resource from the Lewis Center Overflow: Increase Worship Attendance & Bear More…

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